Motivation vs. fake motivation - #019

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"In today's episode, I am explaining what role motivation plays in achieving your goals and why it's often overrated. Furthermore, I will also answer a question I have received: "What do you believe is fake motivation?". Success is not a single event. It's a process and on that journey you can not rely on motivation only! ... more in this episode!"


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The biggest limitations most people have are not external but internal.

Fears, worries, limiting beliefs, anxiety, low self-esteem, procrastination, perfectionism, emotional ups, and downs.

Most people know what to do but they don’t do it and in this podcast, Ben will share with you strategies and techniques that will help you to remove your limitations and start doing. This podcast is not about information but transformation!

Ben Ouattara is a high-performance and mindset coach for entrepreneurs and business owners and helps his clients to take their business, mindset, and life to the next level by helping to remove their emotional and mental blocks and identify their limiting beliefs.

Ben describes himself as a "student of life“ and speaks from over 15 years of personal experience.

He has learned countless strategies, tools, and techniques from the best in the world and applied them for himself every day to overcome his own limitations.

Today, he is one of the most sought-after mindset coaches and he breaks the old-fashioned and monotonous formats of personal development with edutainment by adding formats like poetry, songs, and creative videos to break down sometimes complex and serious topics in practical and digestible content.

Get in touch with Ben on the following platforms:






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