Alle Folgen
The power of breathing: 1|4|2|1-Pranayama exercise - #008
►►► Book your free Powercall with Ben today: "Today, I will teach you a breathing exercise with a 1|4|2|1 pattern and break down why most people are breathing wrong and how you can tap into...
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Pomodoro: One simple tool to stay focused and become more productive! - #007
►►► Book your free Powercall with Ben today: "In today's episode, I will share a tool that will help you to become more productive on an "hour-to-hour"-basis to reach your goal. The...
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3 Questions to crush distractions and bring your mind back on track! - #006
►►► Book your free Powercall with Ben today: "Today, I will share a tool with you to stop getting distracted. The question is not IF you will get distracted and your attention will be...
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Do you start your journey with a clear intention? - #005
►►► Book your free Powercall with Ben today: "Today, I will be sharing with you the importance of intention and attention and how it will help you to become more focused and productive."...
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Are you working hard or S.M.A.R.T? - #004
►►► Book your free Powercall with Ben today: "In the last episode, I have performed the "S.M.A.R.T" song for you and today, I will be breaking down the SMART-principle and how you can apply...
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🎤#1MIC - S.M.A.R.T. - #003
►►► Book your free Powercall with Ben today: "Today, I am sharing my song "SMART" with you which will help you to make your goals Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound."...
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What do you have to give up to be successful? - #002
►►► Book your free Powercall with Ben today: "In today's episode, I will be talking about what you have to give up to become successful. If you want to make the impossible possible, you...
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Introduction to the podcast! - #001
"Nothing is impossible because even the word "impossible" is written "I am possible" but who am I? Let me introduce you to the concept of "IAMPOSSIBLE" and myself." --- ►►► Book your free Powercall with Ben today:...
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Welcome to the "IAMPOSSIBLE"-Podcast - #000
"Let me welcome you to the "IAMPOSSIBLE"-podcast by sharing my poem "IAMPOSSIBLE" with you." --- Video: Lyrics: ⤵️ IAMPOSSIBLE Sometimes I slip and fall, I have to dig and...
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